This Is Us is the show you’ll be watching this year! Why? Because there is something in it for everyone!
This Is Us serves as a reminder for us that family is always the home you can turn to at a time of darkness. This Is Us makes you laugh, cry and nod your head in agreement as you follow characters that could easily have been you or someone you know, in this life, or a part of you at a moment in time.
The Story
This is a story of a family – their pitfalls, their highs, and how they attempt to overcome them. This Is Us follows its characters through their lives and how they each reach the place they are at. The premise of the show can lead it to become a bit of a soap opera, but the real strength lies in a powerful script, crisp dialogue and credible performances. Each actor perfectly understands his character – the good, the bad and the ugly. We are able to connect to each person at some level, if not all.
The Characters
The show starts off with a glimpse into the lives of multiple characters. A young couple Jack and Rebecca are excited about their about-to-be-born triplets, Randall, the ultimate family man, is trying to come to terms with his past. Kevin, the TV star is trying to figure out if this is all he’s worked for. And Kate is struggling with her addiction to food. This is Us is a show about seemingly random people with seemingly random stories, yet they all come together in unexpected twists of fate. Very soon, we find ourselves rooting for these characters.The result – we’re sucked in.
We might connect to the character of Jack. Jack is the hero, the ideal father, who is the backbone of his family. The relationship with his wife, Rebecca, is very real and raw. I found myself nodding along with the finer nuances played out between two people who love each other yet live through real-life problems. It resonated with me, and I’m sure, with many young couples as well.
Randall is ‘by the textbook’ perfect. He has a beautiful wife, beautiful kids, a great job and home, yet he has his own demons to deal with. He seeks a purpose beyond what he thought his life was all about.
Then there’s Kate, whom I connect with – an emotional eater who perpetually compares herself to others. We feel her struggles, her fears, and how she tackles them. Finally, Kevin, the quintessential all-American jock, the all-star football player whose life was planned out for him much before it began. However, as per the tone of the show, nothing goes according to plan much like life itself. As the human stories unfold beautifully onscreen, we begin to live vicariously in the lives of our favorite characters. We ride their emotional roller coaster along with them, and we smile, laugh and shed a tear as a poignant moment onscreen feels more real than just a show on TV!
The Reason to Watch This One
I will be honest; I started watching This Is Us because of Milo Ventigmilia (Gilmore Girls days). But this show turned out to be something special. It pulls at your heartstrings. It’s melodramatic. But a good cry now and then is so good for the soul. This is Us is a very ‘human’ show. It is for this reason perhaps, that it has endeared itself to viewers all over the world. Luckily, for people just starting to watch this show, the first two seasons are done and dusted. Season 2 has answered the big questions from Season 1 but left us with plenty of cliffhangers for Season 3.
Follow our watch list for 5 Feel Good Shows on Netflix Also catch our review on 6 Youth-friendly Netflix Shows here.
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